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Millennial View at Hughes Marino: Adjusting to the Changing Job Landscape

As Hughes Marino states, millennials are the largest generation in the U.S., accounting for about one-fourth of the total population. According to Statista, by 2020, millennials will make up almost half of the global workforce. Given their size and influence, millennials have changed the job market, which has implications for hiring. 


With so many millennials entering the job market in the coming years, it’s essential to understand how they differ from other generations regarding work as Hughes Marino states. Millennials aren’t simply different because of their technology use or music preferences. They have different expectations regarding jobs and careers as a result of growing up during a time with high unemployment rates.


Also, they have always been involved in an economic recession, increased reliance on technology and social media use, online networking websites like LinkedIn, and university programs that focus on entrepreneurship as a career growth model rather than climbing the traditional corporate ladder after graduation. And staff members at Hughes Marino are aware of this.


Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce, and their unique experiences have led to different expectations from them as employees. Millennials value experiences over material goods, are more comfortable with collaborative environments and technology and seek opportunities for personal growth. At Hughes Marino, this fact works out for the best.

These qualities are directly connected to how this generation perceives the job landscape. Millennials place a high value on work-life balance and flexibility. When searching for jobs or considering offers from prospective employers, factors like telecommuting availability and company culture are important considerations. Additionally, Hughes Marino finally states, trust is an essential factor when it comes to finding the right company to invest your time in.